Phone Sex

: Looking for the best phone sex? You've found it, here at NiteFlirt.

This is my IGNORE LINE!! All you bitches are too pathetic to waste my time. PAY to see me on CAM as you get yourself off and I ignore you.

Buy my Skype ID BEFORE the show:


Cum Shot $5

Soft Cock (2 pics) $5

Hard Cock w/ Ice Cream (3 pics) $7

Hard Cock - exposed from underwear (3 pics) $6


Solo Vid - 4:33min (wmv file / 640x480 frame) $9.99

Solo Vid - 5:40min **smaller version** (wmv file / 320x240 frame) $7.50

MASSIVE CUM SHOT Vid - 4:29min (wmv file / 640x480 frame) $14.99

MASSIVE CUM SHOT Vid - 5:46min **smaller version** (wmv file / 320x240 frame) $9.99



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