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Master Xak's



World Class instructor, Master Xak will show you how to get so addicted to pornography that you'll want to do nothing else except beat off and look at hardcore fucking all day long. Who needs that day job when a man can have ASS staring him in the face and a boner the size of Fort Dix, New Jersey between his legs? It's worth the lying, the constant making up of excuses and deceit involved to become a full-fledged, card-carrying, sausage-stroking, spam-slamming, chronic, addicted MASTURBATOR! Feel the cravings for porn increase, and follow Master Xak's mind-control instruction to lessen that tedious impulse control and live the life you were meant to: Free of conscious thought and fucking yourself up good. Self-esteem is overrated; 'Bate until you're satiated! 8 and 9 times a day (or more) is possible and you get to see Master Xak in front of his one-of-a-kind WALL OF PORN: A mesmerizing, vision-encompassing panel of the wildest smut imaginable. Get out the lube, get your dick in your fist, because it's gonna be another great day of finally being totally and completely out of control and addicted to porn and masturbating in what Master Xak calls a...


*For an appointment to participate in a Master Xak PORNFRENZY! Message and inquire to Master Xak PRIOR to clicking on the 'CALL NOW' button. NOTE: If no appointment is made prior to calling, this line defaults to an ON-CAM IGNORE LINE and all you will be provided is a live-ON-CAM view of the fabulous WALL OF PORN with whatever ambient sound that happens to be going on. There is no guarantee you'll get an audience with Master Xak without an appointment.

(It is advisable to look at Master Xak's Profile page--click 'Master Xak' above the picture icon--for availability status, recent Public Shamings, and other info. Be sure to check out Master Xak's other listings under MEN HOME ALONE, gay/bi/str8, FANTASY, extra kinky/guy next door/jocks/other/role play, BDSM-FETISH, masters/submissive males/feet-shoes/financial domination/leather, EXTRA KINKY and OTHER.)

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