Phone Sex

: Looking for the best phone sex? You've found it, here at NiteFlirt.

I will shrink you down into a little tiny man. +

Shrink you with my ray guns, shrink you with my sex, shrink you with a potent beverage. You start to feel smaller and smaller. Maybe I will stop shrinking you when you are the perfect size to use as a dildo. Or maybe I will shrink you more even still, shrink you down to the size of a tiny little bug.

Will I keep you in a little jar on the shelf? Will I misplace you? Will you try to escape?

I will find you!


Are you in my shoe nestled between my toes? If you are I might take my foot out and put it in my lover’s mouth. Will they notice you? Will they swallow you without a thought or will we French kiss, passing you between our mouths, sliding you around our tongues, sucking on you like a piece of candy?


What will happen to my tiny little man?


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