Phone Sex

: Looking for the best phone sex? You've found it, here at NiteFlirt.


I don’t want to miss your call just because I walked away for a moment, so a heads up will make things go a lot smoother for us both. Thank your for your cooperation.

Looking for a judgement free zone? Someone to give you sound advice? Maybe you need to confess those dark and dirty secrets you could never tell a soul... look no further the doctor is here.

I am an intelligent, confident, dominant, masculine, alpha god as you can see. I am a world traveler, so I’m always on the go. As busy as I am, I’m always available to help anyone in need... in ANYWAY I can. Let me know what’s on your mind so we can get it off.

If you want to see more exclusive pics and footage of what this doctor has to offer... feel free to devour my goodies I have on display...

Don’t be shy my couch is waiting...

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