Phone Sex

: Looking for the best phone sex? You've found it, here at NiteFlirt.

I am on a path of profound exploration. You know this. My destiny is sexy, my life is ebullient, truly full of wondrous possibilities. And yours? Yours is as it always is. You feel roughly the same way every day. Day in, day out. Maybe a sports game gets you excited. Maybe a fuck. Maybe a vacation. But you're always you, always vaguely embarrassed by the true fruits of the inner world, always a bit unsatisfied.

Your new purpose is to make money for me. I'm so much more than a domme. I'm your boss. I'm capitalism, herself, demanding your labor, your time, you hard-earned cash. And you... You are my loyal employee. Better to be a bitch to a goddess like me than the system. When you pay me, you make me hotter. You give me the power that I deserve. You want me to get sexier and sexier, don't you? So sexy you can't hardly stand it. So sexy you'll be hard all day at your day-job, thinking about me. Thinking about calling me. Feeling so proud and fulfilled that you're making money... for me.

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