Phone Sex

: Looking for the best phone sex? You've found it, here at NiteFlirt.

I’m Mxtress Darcy. I’m tall with hourglass curves, long hairy legs, hairy pits and bush, blue eyes, and short brown hair.

Would you like to be nurtured? Held? Protected? Are looking to submit but still crave warmth from your dominant?

I offer a space to learn and grow. The space to feel safe enough to try new things. I know it's okay if you’re not perfect, what matters is if you try. I help you become who you are supposed to be. I mold and shape you.

Yes, I nurture. But I’ll also discipline when necessary. I will do what it takes to make sure you grow. It’s for your own good. What do you fear most about me? I suspect you fear disappointing me.

Do you know what pleases me? You, becoming the best version of yourself. I want you to embrace the hidden parts of yourself. The ones you’ve been scared to show people.

Who would you like to become? Go ahead, you can tell me.

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