If you thirst for someone to be there & listen to you, have my ear. You'll find in me an oasis of earnestness, sincerity, & stones yet unturned by you: talk.
If you pursue something enrapturing that will push you over the edge, have my assent. We will plumb the depths of desire & draw out a new hedonism, together: kink.
If you seek the satiation of something you are so starved of in life, have my word. Beside you, we shall turn dreams wrought in what seems a famine into our cornucopia of delight: taboo.
If you crave what you know cannot be, or better -- is not yet, have my mind. It will unravel as the foundation for all of the raw wonders that we shall summon: fantasy.
If you have set the place that lies empty for someone to be there for you -- & more, with you -- have my company. Where there was a hollow that quietly awaited another, you shall firmly find instead my steadiness & warmth: companionship.
I am a man of many things, having been given many names, but among them you may call me Sage. My appetites carry from the fine things in this world that have been intricately constructed by the masters of their art, to the primal clashing & caressing yearning that drives us all.
Be it as a switch in the bedroom, a philosopher in today's gathering places, a craftsman at the table, or a mentor in times of need, I bear to everyone the passions I stoke & the truths I cherish.
Let's talk, you & I. Whether moaning, laughing, or crying, I am yours.