Phone Sex

: Looking for the best phone sex? You've found it, here at NiteFlirt.

Congrats, you've finally picked right. You've gone this long not knowing. Now I'm going to break you down viciously, preying on your insecurities, until you're a mess.

I like when my subs can take a hit emotionally, so take my verbal lashing as you lay yourself at your feet. I can't promise I won't kick you, but I can assure you my heels will rest firmly on your head while I dig in with my words.

I'm well versed in theory, art, music, tech, porn, tv and anime. You've never submitted so personally as to give up your own taste to me. We can talk about your Spotify on repeat, or your favorite Youtube videos, but I will be sure to assert the correct take.

Loser, your days of feeling secure in your taste are done.


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