Phone Sex

: Looking for the best phone sex? You've found it, here at NiteFlirt.

Your body exists as nothing other than my Automated Telling Machine, my cash register, my purse. I have expensive tastes and your life is worthless compared to them. The latex gown in my photo? $1,300. My new Ableman's heels? $300. Your money is paying for everything. That is all you are good for, and it is your job to never forget that fact! I won't let you forget it either, since I'll be sure to tell you all about the beautiful things I buy with your bills.

No matter how much you pay it will never be enough. There are an unlimited amount of things for me to buy. I know no boundary to the ways I can flaunt that I am the one who controls your purse strings. That money would go to waste in your hands anyway. You don't know how to spend it on sophisticated pleasures or deviant delights. A pay window like you cannot even comprehend the pleasures of cash anyway. The smell of currency fresh from the bank, the sensation of throwing it in the air or of having it cover your body... money is decadence personified.

Of course, there are some of you who may be so pathetic you need blackmail. You need a superior Goddess such as myself controlling not only your purse strings but your entire life as you life in fear of exposure.

Whether you are a human ATM or a pathetic blackmail bitch, your new life is about to begin. Pay up! Want to see just how much more important money is to me than you are? Take a gander at these photos, I admire this pile of bills more than anyone will ever admire you.


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