Phone Sex

: Looking for the best phone sex? You've found it, here at NiteFlirt.

Designed by Anonymous Guy please contact me for a quote on your design needs. (Payment By NiteFlirt Only)

I now offer custom fantasy studio quality recordings. Send me mail for details. Updates: I have added Yahoo..Skype..and Eyeball Chat for cam.

American based IBO NiteFlirt small business since 2011. Please visit my studio projects by clicking the recorded listings tab. Have a request or idea? Send me mail! I also have a low rate call .69/min Sunday-Wednesday Thanks.
.69/min Sunday-Wednesday +Bonus Hours
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Sean AKA Anonymous Guy
1-800-863-5478 ext: 99-08-183

Please visit my studio projects by clicking the recorded listings tab. Have a request or idea? Send me mail! I also have a low rate call .69/min Sunday-Wednesday Thanks.
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